N1XTB - Ham radio stuff

A number of 2 meter packet services are available at various SSID's for N1XTB on 145.09.

Node QTH: Middleboro, MA.
Grid: FN41nv
Operating System: Debian Linux


N1XTB-5 - URO node (provides TCP/IP and email)

N1XTB-10 - RMS gateway

The FBB BBS is used by Eastern MA NTS traffic handlers.

The URO node provides a gateway to the internet for ham radio users.(n1xtb.ampr.org)

The RMS gateway is back in service after a long hiatus with work and technical expertise of Pat Allocca WB2CMF.
It provides an email gateway via the winlink system. The Winlink Express client software is recommended.

There is also a blog available to help with digital radio topics.

Here is an updated map of Eastern MA with packet station information. Also, Don AB1PH made a nice topology map. It is posted in the blog area with a small edit.

For history, a map of the Eastern Massachusetts packet system is displayed at http://www.powersrvcs.org/EMaPacket/

I have been working to rebuild some of the N1URO (SK) website. Brian had a lot of good information.
He administered the Debian server for many years. He is missed.


After logging in with your callsign, a ? typed at the prompt will provide a brief command list.

Functional summary of Node:
-keeps a list of users and when and how logged in
-Stations heard
-Nodes heard
-The TALK command supports an online 'paging' type system
- internet connectivity -With proper software your computer can use the radio connection as an internet connection. Please contact me for configuration information.
- email messaging (outgoing) from within the node software (i.e. a regular packet ax25 connection can do this without tcp/ip). Please understand that an user account with a password needs to be set up on the server to accept incoming email.

Here is a brief review of sending email via axmail.

After logging into the node, type Mail or ma to enter the program.
? will return a list of commands.
To send an email type Send xxxx#xxxx.com
The program will return a subject prompt. After entering that, and hitting
return you are prompted to enter the body of the message. When the message
is complete, hit a return then enter a "." then return again. The program
will ask for confirmation to send. Type Y.
Type Quit to exit back to the node environment.

Example mail session (italized entries are typed by the operator):


axMail v0.0.4
0/0> Send joe@test.com
Subject: progress?
Enter message text (end with "." on a line by itself):
test message
example above

Deliver (Y/n/c/?)? y
Message sent.

Phil McNamara - N1XTB

Updated 21 June 2022

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